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스타크래프트 1.18.3 패치 내용 및 현재까지 알려진 문제점

안녕하세요. 스타크래프트가 1.18.3 패치를 진행하게 됐습니다.

아래 블리자드 기술지원 홈페이지에서 가져온 패치 내용입니다.

사령관 여러분 안녕하세요.

스타크래프트 1.18.3 업데이트 작업이 오늘 오전 6시부터 약 2시간 가량 진행되었습니다. 아래에서 패치 노트를 확인하실 수 있습니다.

주요 변경 사항 및 개선 사항
  • 전체 화면일 때와 창 모드(전체 화면)일 때의 마우스 감도 차이를 개선했습니다.
  • 이제 제어 부대 키를 누르고 있으면 카메라가 선택된 유닛(들)을 따라갑니다.
  • 이제 대화 채널에서 참가자 목록을 스크롤할 때 대화 채널 이름이 계속 표시됩니다.

버그 수정
  • Bonjour 서비스를 종료하는 다른 프로그램으로 인해 클라이언트가 비정상적으로 종료되던 여러 문제를 수정했습니다.
  • /stats 명령어와 NumPad 0키가 플레이어 정보를 올바르게 표시하도록 수정했습니다.
  • 저그 유닛이 변이했을 때 와이어프레임이 변경되지 않던 문제를 수정했습니다.

알려진 문제
  • 현재 알려진 주요 문제들은 이곳(영문)에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.

또한 패치 버전별로 알려진 문제점들을 영문으로 제공해주고 있습니다.

아래 해당 내용입니다.

Howdy Warpigs, Hunter Killers, and Merticks,

Thanks for all the feedback, organizing posts to focus our attention, and pouring your hearts into it. Go team.

We are prioritizing bugs that affect gameplay or compatibility, and will have those fixes out as they are ready. We'll feather in the quality of life issues for chat, lobbies, and related. Here's an overview of what's in the pipe:


  • [Fixed in 1.18.2] Control Group and Camera Hotkeys Failing 
    We're actively testing our fix and will have this out when we're confident other game functions have not experienced any ripple effect.
  • [Updated in 1.18.2] Tuned Warp In Effect 
    Replacing the palette system for the new graphics engine required we reproduce these effects. While it may be slightly different, people should be able to put their welding masks and sweet shades away.
  • [Fixed in 1.18.2] Aural Distortion 
    We've implemented FMod during modernization efforts, and similar to replacing the palette system its inherent behavior created minor changes. We're working through the sounds cutting off when jumping away, the 'distant spatter,' and silent off screen selections.
  • [Optimized in 1.18.2] Packet Loss During High APM 
    We're still investigating the root cause for some commands dropping off, but as some have noted turning VSync, portraits, and FPS cap off in game can alleviate this issue.
  • [Fixed in 1.18.2] A Flock of Mutas 
    Another modernization symptom, we've made shadows stack again. Science can keep its lessons about light and its absence...
  • [Fixed in 1.18.3] Follow the Leader [Key] 
    Holding a grouping key will again follow units on the move.
  • Implementing DirectX9 Support 
    This is going to take a minute... but will resolve many of our compatibility issues with low spec machines. We will have a PTR build for testing in the coming weeks as it is ready.


  • [Fixed in server deploy 4.21.17] Ghost Lobbies 
    This issue is being caused when MySQL is overloaded by players quickly creating and tearing down thousands of games in short order.
  • Creating Game... Eventually 
    We're iterating on the mechanism for posting game lobbies, and fixing the ghost lobbies will also increase post time.
  • Where You At? 
    Adding latency bars to game lobby so connection quality of all players is better informed for use of High Latency option. Not so you can kick them; that would be rude.
  • Where'd That Lobby Go? 
    Refreshing the game list seems to be popular, but losing the game you clicked on isn't. We'll start maintaining your selection during refreshes.
  • Long Map Names Unjoinable 
    TL;DR: gonna fix it. UTF-8 support has doubled the character count for languages such as Korean. Maps created prior to 1.18 were saved with system encoding, but now are too large with the doubling effect of UTF-8. Thus when attempting to join, the client sees an invalid game.
  • Join Order
    We'll be organizing Chat by time joined, not alphabetically. Other Blizzard games have gone with that convention, so we were shooting for a unified experience. Perhaps when chat persists between menus it will matter less?
  • Immovable Object
    Attempting to join a locked channel currently results in a player being moved to a different channel. We will fix the channel code to only move a player after a position is found, and inform if we cannot.

Chat Commands

  • [Fixed /stats & 0 in 1.18.3] Alt-ered Reality 
    Fixing alt commands, /stats, /f m, and numpad 0 for power users.

Points For a Future Date

  • Language Filter Option 
    Tolerance for rough language varies from human to human. We'll add an option to turn off the language filter in the future.
  • Turn Rate 
    Game rate is currently set to L2 - the equivalent submission of commands per second as playing over LAN. We will create a feature while creating the game to set turn rate. This is a big add, and will take time.
  • Observer Slot Default 
    We will switch the default setting for Observer slots to closed.
  • Player Profiles, Keybindings, & Others 
    These are some features we're excited for with the Remaster. We'll start up separate threads for community discussion and feedback per topic.

Classic Games

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